all the people tonight, put your hands up in the sky *_*
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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

Dieser Spruch als Bild!

A: (singt) tonight I've fallen and i can't get up. I need you lovin' han
A: (singt) tonight I've fallen and i can't get up. I need you lovin' hands, to come and pick me up...
B: Alter, du bist nur gestolpert & jetzt steh auf.
Put your Hands uP In the luft, that i can smell your axelduft ... Put y
Put your Hands uP In the luft, that i can smell your axelduft ... 
Put your Hands up in the Air, that i can See Your axelhair... 
Alli mini Äntli schwümmed ufem See, schwümmed uf em See d'Chöpfli händs
Alli mini Äntli
schwümmed ufem See,
schwümmed uf em See
d'Chöpfli händs is Wasser
d'Schwänzli händs id Hö.
2 dütig
Tonight I will kill kill you tonight Give you everything tonight We all
Tonight I will kill kill you tonight
Give you everything tonight
We all know, you will not get tomorrow
I do it tonight.. :D
Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and go
Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness. People are just people, and all people have faults and shortcomings, but all of us are born with a basic goodness. (Anne Frank)
Tonight im fuckin' you - tonight im LOVIN' you . Fuck You - Forget You I
Tonight im fuckin' you - tonight im LOVIN' you .
Fuck You - Forget You
I wanna be a Billionär : ''so fucking bad - so FREAKIN'
was kommt alls nächstes ? 
You're fucking perfekt - You're FREAKIN'' Perfect ?


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