dear spider, you can go anywhere in the world. why my room?
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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

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Dear Brain, sorry for overloading you with thoughts of him. Dear Tummy,
Dear Brain,
sorry for overloading you
with thoughts of him.
Dear Tummy,
sorry for all the butterflies.
Dear Pillow,
sorry for all the tears.
Dear Heart,
sorry for all the damage.
Da kommt Spider Man und trifft Spider Woman das sagt Spider Woman:"du bi
Da kommt Spider Man und trifft Spider Woman das sagt Spider Woman:"du bist einer der bösen" Spider Man sagt:"wieso?"dann sagt Spider Woman:"du hast mich gekiddneppt"
Hi spider...Nice spider...Let me pet you...With my shoe...Gooooood spide
Hi spider...Nice spider...Let me pet you...With my shoe...Gooooood spider...*klatsch*... YEAAH !!
Dear Tummy, sorry for all the butterflies. Dear Pillow, sorry for all th
Dear Tummy, sorry for all the butterflies. Dear Pillow, sorry for all the tears. Dear Heart, sorry for all the damage.
Dear Serena, My world is falling apart. And you're the only one who it u
Dear Serena,
My world is falling apart. And you're the only one who it understands. My father left my mother for a 31-years old model-a male model. I feel like screaming cause I don't have anyone to talk to. You're gone, my dad's gone and Nate's acting weird. Where are you? Why don't you call? Why did you leave without saying goodbye? You're supposed to be my best friend.  I miss you so much. L...
* This is spider, when someone is extremly zickig, thake spider and stop
* This is spider, when someone is extremly zickig, thake spider and stopf it in someones Mund!


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