Dear Vodka "We had a deal last Night!"You were supposed to make me funnier,smarter and a better dancer;-) I Saw the Video,we need to talk!

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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

Dieser Spruch als Bild!

DEAL DEAL DEAL...Neber du bist schmutzig noch nicht gemerkt?!
DEAL DEAL DEAL...Neber du bist schmutzig noch nicht gemerkt?!
Dear Brain, sorry for overloading you with thoughts of him. Dear Tummy,
Dear Brain,
sorry for overloading you
with thoughts of him.
Dear Tummy,
sorry for all the butterflies.
Dear Pillow,
sorry for all the tears.
Dear Heart,
sorry for all the damage.
Dear Tummy, sorry for all the butterflies. Dear Pillow, sorry for all th
Dear Tummy, sorry for all the butterflies. Dear Pillow, sorry for all the tears. Dear Heart, sorry for all the damage.
What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you ? :) ♥
What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you ? :) ♥
And what am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're ok ?
ich kauf die pistole & du bekommst sie geshossen ins herz. DEAL OR NO DE
ich kauf die pistole & du bekommst sie geshossen ins herz. DEAL OR NO DEAL.?
1 Vodka, 2 Vodka, 3 Vodka, 4 Kodva, 5 Vadko, 6 Kadvo, 7 Advok... 10 Koda
1 Vodka, 2 Vodka, 3 Vodka, 4 Kodva, 5 Vadko, 6 Kadvo, 7 Advok... 10 Kodak!


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