dont let em say you aint beautiful they can all get fucked just stay true to you eminem
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Stay true. Stay you. ♡ :) Or you'll never be happy...
Stay true. Stay you. ♡ :)
Or you'll never be happy...
We say goodbye in the pouring rain And I break down as you walk away ..
We say goodbye in the pouring rain
And I break down as you walk away ..
'Cause all my life I've felt this way
But I could never find the words to say:
Never give up! Stay focused, Stay strong, Stay possitiv!
Never give up! Stay focused, Stay strong, Stay possitiv!
Sometimes it's hard not to cry not to scream not to run away The hardest
Sometimes it's hard not to cry
not to scream
not to run away
The hardest thing in life ist to stay calm
to stay quiet
and don't show anybody
how you really feel
Eminem is and will be the most true rapper ever! ->Everyone who thin
Eminem is and will be the most true rapper ever!   
-> Everyone who thinks the same "like it" ;)
when i look at you i don't see perfection...i see true humanity and it's
when i look at you i don't see perfection...i see true humanity and it's beautiful.


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