everytimes I close the door, I know that anybody will open it again!
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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

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Justin Bieber: I close my eyes It´s so borring I : And, I close the door
Justin Bieber: I close my eyes
It´s so borring
I : And, I close the door...
when you're home alone & someone knocks on your door. 10% say 'who is it
when you're home alone & someone knocks on your door.
10% say 'who is it?'
64% look through the peep hole.
25% open the door
1%-Crawl around the ground like a ninja and look through the window very quietly to make sure it isn't a masked murder.
like if you're that 1% :D
''one day when the sky is fallig, I'll be standing right next to you!.''
''one day when the sky is fallig, I'll be standing right next to you!.''
open the door, I'm coming, the sky is falling ♥
Close your eyes and he's a prince. Open `em and he`s yours...
Close your eyes and he's a prince. Open `em and  he`s yours...
Close your eys and open your heart.. well mer met em härz sache gsed wo
Close your eys and open your heart.. well mer met em härz sache gsed wo vör dini auge onsechtbaar send..!!
Twinkle Twinkle little whore, close your legs they're not a door. ;D
Twinkle Twinkle little whore, close your legs they're not a door. ;D


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