Girl: Slow down, I'm scared. Boy: No this is fun. Girl: No its not. Please, its too scary. Boy: Then tell me you love me. Girl: Fine, I love you. Now slow down! Boy: Now give me a hug. Girl: *gives boy hug* Boy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on yourself? It's bugging me. Girl: Alright, now slow down. Boy: I love you, babe. Girl: I love you too. Just slow down, PLEASE! (In the paper the next day) A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of a brake failure. 2 people were on it, but only 1 had survived. The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him and felt her hug 1 last time, then he had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die.

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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

Dieser Spruch als Bild!

Girl: WHATCHA SAY?.. Boy: Girl you're amazing just the way you are! Girl
Boy: Girl you're amazing just the way you are!
Girl: I love the way you lie!
Boy: I would catch a grenade for you!
Girl: I wont do the same!
Boy: I'll buy you anything..I'll buy you any ring!
Girl: But you put on quite a show!
Boy: Oh..
Girl: Very entertaining!! Nexxt!
Girl: Do you really love me? Boy: Of course I do. Girl: I wanna hear you
Girl: Do you really love me?
Boy: Of course I do.
Girl: I wanna hear you say it.
Boy: I don’t have to.
Girl: Why not ?
Boy: Because.
Girl: I just want to hear you say it in words.
Boy: I can’t.
The girl started to cry softly and said, Then you don't love me.
The two continued to walk in silence. They reached the girls home.
Girl: Why ?
Boy: Do you really want to know ?
Girl: (hesitantly) Yes.
*After a Date* Boy: I've...had the time of my life. Girl: Me too. Boy: A
*After a Date*
Boy: I've...had the time of my life.
Girl: Me too.
Boy: And I've never felt this way before.
Girl: Me too!
Boy: I swear, this is true...
Girl: *Smiles*
Boy: ...And I owe it all to you. *looks at girl*
Girl: Aww! Your so sweet! I love you
Boy: DIRTY BIT. *starts breakdancing really hard right there in the middle of the street*
Girl: ..
Girl: My heart operation is today, I'm so scared... Boy: You'll be okay
Girl: My heart operation is today, I'm so scared...
Boy: You'll be okay baby.
Girl: I'm going to the operation room now babe, I love you.
Boy: (looks away, starts to cry) Bye Babe.
Girl gets heart transplant and comes out of operation room looking for him.
Girl: Where is he?
Mom: Didn't they tell you who gave you your heart..?
Girl: OMG
Mom: lol jk he's taking a shit!
Girl : I love you Boy: I love you too . Girl : Prove it , scream it to t
Girl : I love you
Boy: I love you too .
Girl : Prove it , scream it to the world .
Boy : *whispers in ear*? I love you
Girl : Why'd you whisper it to me ?
Boy : Because you are my world .
Girl: I'm having my operation now I love you. The girl lays on operation
Girl: I'm having my operation now I love you.
The girl lays on operation bed.
Boy stands there with watery eyes without saying I love you too.
Girl finishes heart transplant, the boy is gone.
Girl: Nurse where is he?
Nurse says: They didn't tell you who's heart they gave you, did they?
Nurse hands the girl a note
Girls reads note
''I told you it was yours'' .... :(


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