- Hey, hey teacher! Hey teacher! Heeeeyy! - What? - You're an apple! - Oh shut up! - Hey! Hey teacher hey! - WHAT?!? WHAT IS IT?!? - Knife!! ;)

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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

Dieser Spruch als Bild!

Teacher: "Where is your homework?" Me: " WRITTEN IN THE STARS." Teacher
Teacher: "Where is your homework?" Me: " WRITTEN IN THE STARS." Teacher: "Where?" Me: "A MILLION MILES AWAY." Teacher: "What does that mean?" Me: "A MESSAGE TO THE MAIN." Teacher: "Do you want to go to Summer school?" Me: "SEASONS' COME AND GO." Teacher: "Your always going too be like this, aren't you?" Me: "I WILL NEVER CHANGE!" Teacher: "Okay, you asked for it, go to the principal's office!!...
Teacher: Eric were is your homework?? Eric: Written in the ---- Teacher:
Teacher: Eric were is your homework??
Eric: Written in the ----
Teacher: Shut up! Idiot! That joke is getting boring 
the milion times before!!!!!!
Teacher: "Where's your homework?'' Student: "Written in the stars.'' Tea
Teacher: "Where's your homework?''
Student: "Written in the stars.''
Teacher: "And where's that?"
Student: "A million miles away."
Teacher: "And what is it about?"
Student: "A message to the main."
Teacher: "What? You're not making sense."
Student: "Seasons come and go, but I will never change."
Student: "And I'm on my way!"
Teacher:Where is your homework? Me:Written in the stars Teacher: Okay. W
Teacher:Where is your homework?
Me:Written in the stars
Teacher: Okay. Wait!?!?!, where???
Me: A million miles away.
Teacher: What are you saying!?!?!?
Me: A Message to the main.
Teacher:Would you like summer school young man! Me: seasons come and go ;)
Teacher:You will always be a terrible student won't you?
Me: I will never change...
Teacher:Go to the office mister!
 Me:I'm on my way
Teacher:Where is your homework? Me:Written in the stars Teacher: Okay.
Teacher:Where is your homework?
 Me:Written in the stars
Teacher: Okay. Wait!?!?!, where???
Me: A million miles away.
Teacher: What are you saying!?!?!?
 Me: A Message to the main.
Teacher:Would you like summer school young man!
Me: seasons come and go ;)
Teacher:You will always be a terrible student won't you?
Me: I will never change...
Teacher:Go to the office mister!
Me:I'm on my way
Rihanna On School Teacher: Where is your homework ? Rihanna: Under my Um
Rihanna On School Teacher: Where is your homework ? Rihanna: Under my Umbrella ! Teacher: And where is your Umbrella ? Tinie Tempa: a million miles away Teacher: No seriously, where are your homework ? Swedish House Mafia: I lost it by the flight from Miami 2 Ibiza. Akon: Sorry, Blame it on me Teacher: To the Headmaster ! Akon: I´m Not Afraid ! Eminem: Hey, Thats my song !


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