I´m at war fighting for the one that I love and the one that I truly need..<3

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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

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The reason why we're fighting wars is love to our families, duty to our
The reason why we're fighting wars is love to our families, duty to our fatherland and  hope in future.
"Love, Love, Love Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Lo.." "Halts Maul, Bitte
"Love, Love, Love Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Lo.." "Halts Maul, Bitte ich kann des Wort echt nich mehr hören.
OHRWURM ATTACKE: Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting..
OHRWURM ATTACKEN CONTER: Jummy Jummy Jummy i got love in my tummy and i knew i just wanted you.. :D
Wer einen Ohrwurm hat drückt gefällt mir. :P
We love music ♥ we love clothes ♥ we love people ♥ we love sun ♥ we love
We love music ♥
we love clothes ♥
we love people ♥
we love sun ♥
we love rain ♥
we love summer ♥
we love winter ♥
we love everthing on the world ♥
because love is the greatest thing on the world, so give to everyone and everything so much love as you can ♥ !!!
What am I fighting for? There must be something more. For all these word
What am I fighting for? There must be something more. For all these words I say,
I love my coooookiee! ♥ I love my muuuuffiinn! ♥ I love my caaakeeee! ♥
I love my coooookiee! ♥
I love my muuuuffiinn! ♥
I love my caaakeeee! ♥
I love my caaandyy! ♥
I love my...
-toll, danke, jezd hab ich hunger, du vollidiot!!


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