I hab the Rausch of my life and I never kotzt like this before.

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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

Dieser Spruch als Bild!

A:Hei kotzt deine katze grad auf dein bett?? B:NE die tut nur so A:was
A:Hei kotzt deine katze grad auf dein bett??
B:NE die tut  nur so
A:was macht sie dann???
B: ALTER natürlich kotzt die
A:OH coooool
i thought about life i wrote about life i talked about life i think, it'
i thought about life
i wrote about life
i talked about life
i think, it's time to live
I have lost everything in my life wat more can I want wat more can I nee
I have lost everything in my life wat more can I want wat more can I need al I ever wanted was u nd a hapy life but I gess tat wil never happen fuck my life im done
Live your life. It doesn´t matter if there´s a difference. 'cause you ca
Live your life. It doesn´t matter if there´s a difference. 'cause you can change your life to the good side.
i guess they understand, how lonely life has been but life began again t
i guess they understand, how lonely life has been
but life began again the day you took my hand.....
i hate when people say "life is short" what the fuck???? life is the dam
i hate when people say "life is short" what the fuck???? life is the damn longest thing anyone ever fuckin does!! what can you do that's longer??


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