If God were a woman, would sperm taste like chocolate?

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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

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man drove past woman in car and shouted cow the woman yelled back silly
man drove past woman in car and shouted cow the woman yelled back silly bastard then the woman ran over a cow the man said if only women listened
"What is in that bag?" - "Sperm." - "No.. I mean really." - "Sperm!" - "
"What is in that bag?" - "Sperm." - "No.. I mean really." - "Sperm!" - "Oh God!" - "Just keep it out of the sunlight." - "Why?.. Is it vampiresperm?" :D
Chocolate doesn't ask silly questions. Chocolate understands.
Chocolate doesn't ask silly questions. Chocolate understands.
A secret makes a woman a woman :D Like wenn du weisst wos herkommt (:
A secret makes a woman a woman  :D Like wenn du weisst  wos herkommt (:
A woman is waiting for the perfect man.. 3 weeks later teh woman is dead
A woman is waiting for the perfect man.. 3 weeks later teh woman is dead!
Da kommt Spider Man und trifft Spider Woman das sagt Spider Woman:"du bi
Da kommt Spider Man und trifft Spider Woman das sagt Spider Woman:"du bist einer der bösen" Spider Man sagt:"wieso?"dann sagt Spider Woman:"du hast mich gekiddneppt"


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