Just knowing that you hold me when I'm sad ... Just knowing that you kiss me when I'm back ... Just knowing that you'll hug me when I'm cold ... Just knowing that you'll take my hand to hold ... Just knowing that you love me ... ...makes me smile :'-)

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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

Dieser Spruch als Bild!

my favorite thing about eating gummybears is knowing that they can't fig
my favorite thing about eating gummybears is knowing that they can't fight back when you bite their heads off.
Englisch : The best feeling in life is knowing the one you love, loves y
Englisch : The best feeling in life is knowing the one you love, loves you back ! ♥
Deutsch : Das beste Gefühl im Leben ist zu wissen, den man liebt, liebt dich zurück ! ♥
love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting
love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting
Thank you for knowing how to make me feel so special..... .....you put a
Thank you for knowing how to make me feel so special.....
.....you put a smile on my face and joy in my heart.
the hardest part is knowing that i can never be with you. Now all i do i
the hardest part is knowing that i can never be with you. Now all i do is sit around and wish i could forget you...
The worst way to miss someone is sitting right beside them knowing you c
The worst way to miss someone is sitting right beside them knowing you can´t have them...


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