L.M.A.O.S.H.T.I.F.O.T.F.A.D.B.L.T.W.A.D.A.S.H.B.M.B.T.L.J.B.T.S. = Laughing my ass off so hard that I fell on the floor and died but luckily there was a doctor around and so he brought me back to life just before televison started :)

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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

Dieser Spruch als Bild!

nanananananana na on the floor♫ nanananan on the♫ floor♫ nanan anana on
nanananananana na on the floor♫ nanananan on the♫ floor♫ nanan anana on the floor♫ on the floor ♫nanananananananaa :D
LSHMSFOAIDMT- Laughing So Hard My Sombrero Falls Off and I Drop My Taco
LSHMSFOAIDMT- Laughing So Hard My Sombrero Falls Off and I Drop My Taco :'D
ich wette, das die meisten leute nicht wissen, was "rofl" heißt.... Roli
ich wette, das die meisten leute nicht wissen, was "rofl" heißt....
Roling Over the Floor Laughing- Lachend über den Boden rollen :D
so, jetzt wissen sie's :D
A: "I need a doctor. Call me a doctor. I need a doctor, doctor to bring
A: "I need a doctor. Call me a doctor. I need a doctor, doctor to bring me back to life..!"
B: "Alter, du hast dich nur am Papier geschnitten!" -.-'
A:I need a doctor, call me a doctor , I need a doctor, doctor to bring m
A:I need a doctor, call me a doctor , I need a doctor, doctor to bring me back to life...
B:Reg dich ab, du hast dich nur am papier geschnitten ! :DDDD
Du musst das Fell streicheln.. Los, streichel das Fell!! :D
Du musst das Fell streicheln.. Los, streichel das Fell!! :D


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