Neulich bei der Einwanderungsbehörde: "Name?" "Abu Dalah Sarafi." "Sex?" "Four times a week." "No, no, no... male or female?" "Male, female... sometimes camel..."
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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

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Name? - Abdu Dalah Sarafi. - Sex? - 4 times a week. - No, no, no. Male o
Name? - Abdu Dalah Sarafi. - Sex? - 4 times a week. - No, no, no. Male or female? - Male, female, sometimes camel... :D:D:D
-Do you speak English? -Yes -Name? -Adolf Bumin. -Sex? -3 to 5 times a w
-Do you speak English? -Yes -Name? -Adolf Bumin. -Sex? -3 to 5 times a week. -No, I mean..male/female? -Yes, male,female and sometimes camels. -Holy cow! -Yes, cows, sheep...Animals in general. -Oh dear, -No, deer runs too fast.
-Do you speak English? -Yes -Name? -Adolf Bumin. -Sex? -3 to 5 times a w
-Do you speak English?
-Adolf Bumin.
-3 to 5 times a week.
-No, I mean..male/female?
-Yes, male,female and sometimes camels.
-Holy cow!
-Yes, cows, sheep...Animals in general.
-Oh dear,
-No, deer runs too fast.
drück "gefällt mir" wenn du KEKSE magst!! :D
Do you speak english? -Yes -Name? - Abdul al-Rhasib -Sex? -Three to five
Do you speak english?
- Abdul al-Rhasib
-Three to five times a week.
-No, no...I mean male or female?
-Yes, male, female, sometimes camel.
- Holy cow!
- Yes, cow, sheep, animals in general.
- But isn't it hostile?
- Horse style, doggy style, any style!
- Oh dear!
- No, no! Deer runs too fast..
Someone at the airport: - Name? - Abdul al-Rhazib. - Sex? - Three to fiv
Someone at the airport:
- Name?
- Abdul al-Rhazib.
- Sex?
- Three to five times a we...ek.
......- No no, I mean male or female?
- Male, Female, sometimes camel.
- Holy cow!
- Yes, cow, sheep, animals in general.
- But isn't that hostile?
- Horse style, doggy style, any style!
- Oh dear!
- No, no! Deer run too fast!
There are times, when you don't know what to do. There are times, when y
There are times, when you don't know what to do. There are times, when you fell like you carry a big mountain with you. Therefore are friends. They can't take away the mountain, but they will help you carry it.


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