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the poem: -is clearly structured -is divided into...stanzas -each consisting of....lines. (-the first consist of..lines, the secend of.....) there is a clear break -in line.../after line../between the ...and....stanza, marked by(the comma, the full stop, the break in the rhythm...) the syntax in the poem is dominated by...(short/incomplete/complete....sentences) the arragement of rhymes is -aa bb(rhyming couples) abab(crossed rhyme) abba(embracing rhyme) -..in all stanzas/in stanza... and... while we find...rhyme in stanza ... the rhyme schema -is regular/irregular(wo, welche linie etc.) the effect of the irregula/regular rhyme schema is (an atmosphere/a feeling of.....) The poem:-describes(a situation of...) .reflects on... discusses... the lyrical I : -expresses his feelings of /his views of... -shows the reader that/wants to convince(zeigen) the reader that.... the topic of the poem is... die Entwicklung, was passiert the climax is in stanza..line...(was passiet genau) the main message of the poem ..... there is a clear connection between form and content:the structue/rhyme schema/rhythm underlines ..... the general tone of the peom/of the....stanza is underlined by the dominat use of dark vowels(vokale) /bright vowels wie beinflussen die ande ren sprachl. eigenschafften (wortwahl etc) die stimmung, wie beeinflussen sie den leser