Respect Sprüche

Die 24 besten Sprüche über Respect!

Egal ob lustige Respectsprüche oder Sprüche zum Thema Respect zum Nachdenken, hier werden Sie garantiert fündig. Entdecken Sie jetzt tolle Respectsprüche sowie schöne Respectspruchbilder zum Liken, Teilen und Weiterschicken!

  • Fuck a Bitch. Respect a Woman. and Love a Lady. ♥

  • verliere niemals dein lachen, dein respect& deinen stolz.♥

  • Justin Bieber should be a Teacher,who shows Guys how to treat and respect girls right! <3

  • Show your respect to Technoboy, Zany, The Prophet, Isaac, Showtek, Dana, Luna, Pavo, Deepack, Tatanka, Headhunterz, Max Enforcer, ...
  • A:ich will respect MUAHAHAHHAHAH!!!! B: halt die fresse!!!! :D
  • you show respect and I respect you, you protect me I protect you
  • That moment you lose all respect for a person who you used to like.

  • Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners. (Laurence Sterne)

  • I will forgive, but I won´t forget, and I hope you know, you lost my respect ♥

  • Soulja Boy Is the only person I Respect Because He Got Hoes On Deck
  • We must respect the past, and mistrust the present, if we wish to provide for the safety of the future. (Joseph Joubert)

  • Being brilliant is no great feat if you respect nothing. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

  • Manche Menschen wollen Respekt, obwohl sie keinen geben und keinen verdient haben. Und trotzdem zeigst du Respect aus Angst, Auch wenn es keiner sieht. In diesem Moment verrätst du dich selber, aber was tun. Wenn jemand auf diese Frage die Antwort wüsste dann würde die Welt entlich in den Frieden leben den jedes Lebewesen braucht um zu überlebn oder um überhaupt zu existieren. wer das Versteht und es ernst nimmt drückt bitte "Gefällt mir" damit dieser Spruch durch die Welt geht und manche Menschen zum Nachdenken auffordert.

  • I hate the 'new' germany. i lived in asia for 5 years and everything has changed :( : little kids drinking alcohol, people who dont understand love, but pretend as they do, more little kids going to the so called 'hauptschule' and wearing weird baggy pants nd stuff like that, little kids who have no respect to older people, kids that think theire "cool" even though they look like reallly dumb -.- *shakes head* (drinking alcohol, dont understanding the meaning of life (not the emo way, emos have feelings and are waaay better than all those drunk guinneapigs!!), doing nothing for school, pretending to be older, wearing make up (start with 9 or 10), and so on..) gosh! what happened to this world? at least there are max.39 kids in germany who arent like this :(

  • You don't have to love me. You don't even have to like me. BUT YOU WILL RESPECT ME!!

  • You say Taylor Swift, I say O.K. You say Lady Gaga, I say That's cool You say Miley Cyrus, I respect you You say T-Pain, I say Fine by me You say Eminem, I say Cool You say Jonas Brothers, I don't mind You say Jay-Z, I say Everyone has their tastes Honestly, who gives a fuck about who listens to who? Just because people like what you don't like doesn't mean that it's not real music. Get over yourselves, people, and stop hating on others for their tastes.

  • Fuck a bitch. Respect a woman. Love a lady. ♥

  • Wow, this is in every respect what I neeedd to know.
  • Justin Bieber is gay? Hes dating Selena Gomez Justin Bieber cant sing? JustinTimberlake & Usher fought over him. Justin Bieber is unsuccessful? He has his own movie and over 40 million fans. Justin Bieber is selfish? He gave 1million to Japan. Stop being jealous & learn to appreciate that some people are alot more talented than you,he followed his dream. How would you like it if u got hated on for no reason?Repost this if you respect Justin Bieber♥

  • fight with passion victory with pride lose with respect Du solltest träumen für all jene, denen die Angst den Schlaf geraubt, deren Hoffnung man zertreten, irgendwo im Strassenstaub. Du solltest springen für all jene, denen der Fuss in Ketten liegt, deren Willen man gebrochen, deren Freiheit man bekriegt. Du solltest leuchten für die Lichter, die man in Dunkelheit gesperrt, für die Kinder die nicht wissen, ob die Väter wiederkehren. Du solltest wissen um dein Glück, das dir ein Zufall zugespielt , zu jeder Stunde, jeden Tag an dem du die Sonne siehst.

  • Mensen vinden me een Bad Boy,Somige vinden me een Vet Boy. De echte geven Respect Boy,Tis voor dat je me test Boy. Accent spoel je Bek Boy, En doe maar Relax Boy. HARI HARI HARI HARI HARI HARI BADR HARI BADR BADR HARIIII ♥
  • Fuck a Bitch. Respect a Woman. And Love a Lady. :) ♥

  • Jede Frau auf der ganzen welt hat respect verdinnt!

  • fight with passion,win with proudness,lose with respect,but never give up!

Respect Sprüche als Bilder!

Viele Respect Spruchbilder, tolle kostenlose Respectbilder zum Liken, Teilen und Weiterschicken!
Fuck a Bitch. Respect a Woman. and Love a Lady. ♥
Fuck a Bitch.
Respect a Woman.
and Love a Lady. ♥
verliere niemals dein lachen, dein respect& deinen stolz.♥
verliere niemals dein lachen, dein respect& deinen stolz.♥
Justin Bieber should be a Teacher,who shows Guys how to treat and respec
Justin Bieber should be a Teacher,who shows Guys how to treat and respect girls right!
Show your respect to Technoboy, Zany, The Prophet, Isaac, Showtek, Dana,
Show your respect to Technoboy, Zany, The Prophet, Isaac, Showtek, Dana, Luna, Pavo, Deepack, Tatanka, Headhunterz, Max Enforcer, ...
A:ich will respect MUAHAHAHHAHAH!!!! B: halt die fresse!!!! :D
A:ich will respect MUAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!
B: halt die fresse!!!! :D
you show respect and I respect you, you protect me I protect you
you show respect and I respect you, you protect me I protect you
That moment you lose all respect for a person who you used to like.
That moment you lose all respect for a person who you used to like.
I will forgive, but I won´t forget, and I hope you know, you lost my res
I will forgive,
but I won´t forget,
and I hope you know,
you lost my respect ♥
Soulja Boy Is the only person I Respect Because He Got Hoes On Deck
Soulja Boy Is the only person I Respect Because He Got Hoes On Deck
We must respect the past, and mistrust the present, if we wish to provid
We must respect the past, and mistrust the present, if we wish to provide for the safety of the future. (Joseph Joubert)
Being brilliant is no great feat if you respect nothing. (Johann Wolfgan
Being brilliant is no great feat if you respect nothing. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our m
Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners. (Laurence Sterne)
Manche Menschen wollen Respekt, obwohl sie keinen geben und keinen verdi
Manche Menschen wollen Respekt, obwohl sie keinen geben und keinen verdient haben. 
Und trotzdem zeigst du Respect aus Angst, Auch wenn es keiner sieht.
In diesem Moment verrätst du dich selber, aber was tun. Wenn jemand auf diese Frage die Antwort wüsste dann würde die Welt entlich in den Frieden leben den jedes Lebewesen braucht um zu überlebn oder um überhaupt zu existieren.
wer das Versteht...
I hate the 'new' germany. i lived in asia for 5 years and everything has
I hate the 'new' germany. i lived in asia for 5 years and everything has changed :( :
little kids drinking alcohol,
people who dont understand love, but pretend as they do,
more little kids going to the so called 'hauptschule' and wearing weird baggy pants nd stuff like that,
little kids who have no respect to older people,
kids that think theire "cool" even though they look like reallly dumb -...
You don't have to love me. You don't even have to like me. BUT YOU WILL
You don't have to love me. You don't even have to like me. BUT YOU WILL RESPECT ME!!
Fuck a bitch. Respect a woman. Love a lady. ♥
Fuck a bitch. Respect a woman. Love a lady. ♥
Wow, this is in every respect what I neeedd to know.
Wow, this is in every respect what I neeedd to know.
Justin Bieber is gay? Hes dating Selena Gomez Justin Bieber cant sing
Justin Bieber is gay? Hes dating Selena Gomez
Justin Bieber cant sing? JustinTimberlake & Usher fought over him.
Justin Bieber is unsuccessful? He has his own movie and over 40 million fans.
Justin Bieber is selfish? He gave 1million to Japan.
Stop being jealous & learn to appreciate that some people are alot more talented than you,he followed his dream. How would you like it if u ...
fight with passion victory with pride lose with respect Du solltest träu
fight with passion
victory with pride
lose with respect
Du solltest träumen für all jene, denen die Angst den Schlaf geraubt, deren Hoffnung man zertreten, irgendwo im Strassenstaub. Du solltest springen für all jene, denen der Fuss in Ketten liegt, deren Willen man gebrochen, deren Freiheit man bekriegt. Du solltest leuchten für die Lichter, die man in Dunkelheit gesperrt, für die Kinder die n...
Mensen vinden me een Bad Boy,Somige vinden me een Vet Boy. De echte geve
Mensen vinden me een Bad Boy,Somige vinden me een Vet Boy.
De echte geven Respect Boy,Tis voor dat je me test Boy.
Accent spoel je Bek Boy, En doe maar Relax Boy.  
Fuck a Bitch. Respect a Woman. And Love a Lady. :) ♥
Fuck a Bitch.
Respect a Woman.
And Love a Lady. :) ♥
You say Taylor Swift, I say O.K. You say Lady Gaga, I say That's cool Yo
You say Taylor Swift, I say O.K.
You say Lady Gaga, I say That's cool
You say Miley Cyrus, I respect you
You say T-Pain, I say Fine by me
You say Eminem, I say Cool
You say Jonas Brothers, I don't mind
You say Jay-Z, I say Everyone has their tastes
Honestly, who gives a fuck about who listens to who? Just because people like what you don't like doesn't mean that it's not real music. Get over...
Jede Frau auf der ganzen welt hat respect verdinnt!
Jede Frau auf der ganzen welt hat respect verdinnt!
fight with passion,win with proudness,lose with respect,but never give u
fight with passion,win with proudness,lose with respect,but never give up!

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