Tajo Crutz - Break your Bones Now listen to me asshole Before I try to kill ya They call me bone breaker I don't wanna spare to ya If you fight with me I'm not easy to breach Ill might let you alive usin' my new knife, let's meet here at five! I'm only gonna break break ya break break ya bones. I'm only gonna break break ya break break ya bones. I'm only gonna break break ya break break ya bones. I'm only gonna break break ya break break ya bones. Woah Woah Oh have you ever fighted? No way you can avoid it we know that you're a gay, please just go away, and please do not stay! If you fight with me I'm not easy to breach I'll might let you alive usin' my new knife, let's meet here at five! I'm only gonna break break ya break break ya bones. I'm only gonna break break ya break break ya bones. I'm only gonna break break ya break break ya bones. I'm only gonna break break ya break break ya bones. Woah woah Ha And I always get what i want, my revenge for what you've done. Like a big bad man i will attack you, to break in ya body every bone. If you come to me I'm gonna keep my assurance, that i told so oft... I'm only gonna break break ya break break ya bones. I'm only gonna break break ya break break ya bones. I'm only gonna break break ya break break ya bones. I'm only gonna break break ya break break ya bones.

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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

Dieser Spruch als Bild!

'i'm only gonna break break your heart' ist wohl dein motto.!
'i'm only gonna break break your heart' ist wohl dein motto.!
if you ever gonna break my heart, so i will break your x-box! -seriously
if you ever gonna break my heart, so i will break your x-box! -seriously
She´s my best friend. Break her heart and i´ll break your facee! ♥♥♥
She´s my best friend. Break her heart and i´ll break your facee! ♥♥♥
She's my best friend, if you break her heart, I will break your head!
She's my best friend, if you break her heart, I will break your head!
I´ve you break my heart!! I will break your face!! ;(
I´ve you break my heart!!
I will break your face!! ;(
"Sticks and Stones" May Break my bones But "Names will never Heart me!!"
"Sticks and Stones" May Break my bones But "Names will never Heart me!!"


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