Take my hand, look in to my eyes & kiss me♥

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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

Dieser Spruch als Bild!

Don´t kiss a boy who´s eyes are black, he kiss you once and will never c
Don´t kiss a boy who´s eyes are black,
he kiss you once and will never come back.. 
Don´t kiss a boy who´s eyes are brown,
he kiss you once and then go from town.. 
Don´t kiss a boy who´s eyes are green,
he kiss you once and then find another queen..
 But kiss a boy who´s eys are bluhe kiss you back and will always love you!♥
Aber, Aber... Braune Augen sind viel schöner :O ♥
Why do we close our eyes when we sleep, when we cry, when we imagine, wh
Why do we close our eyes when we sleep,
when we cry, when we imagine, when we kiss?
Because, the most beautiful things in the world can not be seen with your eyes, it must be felt with your heart.
a pretty girl can kiss a guy, a bird can kiss a butterfly, the rising su
a pretty girl can kiss a guy, a bird can kiss a butterfly, the rising sun can kiss the grass, but you my friend can kiss my ASS!
My eyes met your eyes, The sky became bright My hand touched yours, From
My eyes met your eyes,
The sky became bright
My hand touched yours,
From my heart to yours comes together.
KiSs my Lips × Close my eyes..*nd †ake me away †o ParaDiise. ♥
KiSs my Lips × Close my eyes..*nd †ake me away †o ParaDiise. ♥
I just wanna hold you in my arms ♥' kiss me and close your eyes
I just wanna hold you in my arms ♥'
kiss me and close  your eyes


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