They say "tell us something about you" and I'm not even able to write a single sentence without searching google for life quotes...

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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

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it`s not so nice for me , when i write to you and you don`t write to me
it`s not so nice for me , when i write to you and you don`t write to me back. :(
If I write: "I must go," then just say goodbye. If I write: "I go" then
If I write:
"I must go,"
then just say goodbye.
If I write:
"I go"
then tell me that I should stay ♥
Always lived my Life alone, been searching for the place called home. I
Always lived my Life alone,
been searching for the place called home.
I know that I've been cold as ice,
ignored the dreams - too many lies.
Somewere deep inside,
somewere deep inside me.
I found, the child I used to be,
and I know that it´s not to late.
Never too late..!
To write it, it took three months; to conceive it - three minutes; to co
To write it, it took three months; to conceive it - three minutes; to collect the data in it - all my life. (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
you´re searching for a perfect man ?? A you looking up for KEN ??
you´re searching for a perfect man ??
A you looking up for KEN ??
you know who's the reason for the big smile on my face? the first word i
you know who's the reason for the big smile on my face?
the first word in the sentence. ;)


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