We're back again Let's make a toast, Come raise your glasses high To every one of you who doubted us We're back again Let's make a toast, Come raise your glasses high To every one of us since "Karma's a bitch right"
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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

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Come back to my life than I will make all better you see this than but I
Come back to my life than I will make all better you see this than but I know that you never come back to me becauce you in the heaven.
WHY ..?? I don´t know why you, you where my angel
we only say goodbye with words i died a hundret times you go back to her
we only say goodbye with words
i died a hundret times
you go back to her
and i go back to...
i go back to
i love you much
it´s not enough
you love blow
and i love puff
If you go me on the nerven i will put you in the gulli and make the deck
If you go me on the nerven i will put you in the gulli and make the deckel druff so you will never come back to the tageslicht
When you go me on the Nerven, i put you in a Gulli and make the Deckel d
When you go me on the Nerven, i put you in a Gulli and make the Deckel drauf and you never come back to the Tageslicht. ;)
Hey Dad look at me. Think back and talk to me. Did I grow up according t
Hey Dad look at me. Think back and talk to me. Did I grow up according to plan? And do you think I´m wasting my time doing things I wanna do but it hurts when you disapprove all along.
And now I try hard to make it. I just wanna make you proud. I never gonna be good enough for you. Can´t pretend that I´m alright. And you can´t change me.
Cause we lost it all nothing lasts forever. I´m sorry I c...
when you go on my nervs, I put you in a gully, make the deckel droof and
when you go on my nervs, I put you in a gully, make the deckel droof and you will never come back to the daylight:P
Von Fränzi Wiehe(oder auch Wiebke)
drück gefält mir, wen du gullys magst^^


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