Who are the little girls in pain? Just trapped in castle of dark side of moon. Twelve of them shining bright in vain Like flowers that blossom just once in years. They're dancing in the shadow like whispers of love Just dreaming of place where they're free as dove. They've never been allowed to love in this cursed cage, It's only the fairy tale they believe. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mai HiME ist so ein toller Anime :) Die perfekte Mischung aus Romance, School Life und Comedy xD

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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

Dieser Spruch als Bild!

Come to the dark side: We have cookies! Come to the darker side: We have
Come to the dark side: We have cookies!
Come to the darker side: We have Haribo!
Come to the darkest side: We have chocolate!
Come to the very dark side: We look better than the good guys!
"show me the dark side of your life." - "no promlem 'cause there's no li
"show me the dark side of your life." - "no promlem 'cause there's no light side..."
Come to the dark side: We have cookies! Come to the darker side: We have
Come to the dark side: We have cookies!
Come to the darker side: We have Haribo!
Come to the darkest side: We have chocolate!
''Come to the dark side of life! >:D We have cookies'' :D
''Come to the dark side of life! >:D
 We have cookies'' :D
Come to the Dark Side, we have cookies.. Welcome to the dark side ! Are
Come to the Dark Side, we have cookies..
Welcome to the dark side !
Are you surprised we lied about having cookies ?
always look on the bright side of life dü dümm dü düüm dü dümm dü dümm..
always look on the bright side of life dü dümm dü düüm dü dümm dü dümm... :))))


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